Kelly Foley
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
University of Saskatchewan
email: kelly.foley at
I work and live on Treaty Six Territory and the homeland of the Métis.
My University of Saskatchewan Curriculum Vitae (abridged) : CV Updated April 2023
Working papers and Works in Progress:
Heterogeneous Returns to Active Labour Market Programming for Indigenous Populations – with Donn. L. Feir and Maggie E.C. Jones (Accepted at Journal of Human Resources)
Ungated version here
The Occupational Ladder: Implications for Wage Growth and Wage Gaps over the Life Cycle– with Matias Cortes and Henry Siu
Enrolling in Bad Times: College Persistence and Labor Market Outcomes – with Alena Bičáková, Matias Cortes, Jacopo Mazza and Peter McHenry
Selected Publications:
Education and inequality: an international perspective.– with Patrick Bennett, David A. Green and Kjell G. Salvanes. Fiscal Studies, 45(3): 429-454.
Canadian inequality over the last 40 years: common and contrary variations on universal themes– with David A. Green and W. Craig Riddell. Fiscal Studies, 45(2): 119-130.
Inequality in Canada: 1976-2022– with David A. Green and W. Craig Riddell, in Institute for Fiscal Studies Country Studies: Inequalities in Europe and North America. A parallel study to the IFS Deaton Review
The Distributional Impacts of Active Labor Market Programs for Indigenous Populations – with Donn. L. Feir and Maggie E.C. Jones in the AEA Papers and Proceedings 111:216-220.
Accompanying online appendix
This paper was part of a panel, "Indigenous Nations Economic Development Strategies: Policies and Outcomes" that was live streamed from the American Economic Association 2021 Meetings, and can be viewed here:
Admissions Constraints and the Decision to Delay University, Joint with Fane Groes. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 123(2): 487-507.
Supplemental Appendices for "Admissions Constraints and Decision to Delay University"
Programs and information about Accessing Data--zip file
The Gender Gap in University Enrollment: Do parents play a role beyond investing in skills? Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 2019, 52(2): 441-489.
Why More Education Will Not Solve Rising Inequality (and May Make It Worse) Joint with David Green
Working paper version: Ability, Parental Valuations of Education and the High School Drop out Decision Joint with Giovanni Gallipoli and David Green Published in Journal of Human Resources, 2014, 49(4): 906-944.
On-line appendix, for "Can Neighbourhoods Change the Decisions of Youth on the Margins of University Participation". Canadian Journal of Economics, 2012, 45(1):167-188
Pandemic Policy Briefs:
In response to the economic crisis generated by the Coronavirus pandemic, Christine Neill (WLU) and I have written two policy briefs discussing how the pandemic will affect on-going Post-Secondary students, and recent graduates, including a number of policy recommendations. Updated April 17, 2020.
These pieces are published in the School of Public Policy Paper Series at the University of Calgary School of Public Policy